A phone, a four-letter word beginning with "F" and Motorola v Apple... and a camera theme.
by Sniffer | posted on 13 September 2005
It sounded like a kosher rumour: Motorola about to launch (said our source) a 3.3 megapixel camera-phone.

It would make sense, we thought. There's a lot going on with Motorola and Apple, after all - the launch of the ROKR phone. And now, the rumours strongly hint that this is not "the real deal" at all, but just something to keep fans happy while Apple produces the real iPod Phone next year, capable of running rather more than 100 "songs".
When we discovered that it didn't matter how much ram you put into the ROKR [above right], we realised this was almost certainly a place-holder, and that both Apple and Motorola were going to do something else. Video? Hm...
and then in comes this guy saying: "I've got it! I know the knew camera phone from Motorola! It's going to automatically upload 3.3 megapixel image to your private area on www.flickr.com !
And what's it going to be called?
"It's going to be the FLKR, of course!"
We never took him seriously for a moment, oh, no, not a second...
Technorati tags: FLKR flickr cameraphone
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A phone, a four-letter word beginning with "F" and Motorola v Apple... and a camera theme.
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