PR releases

Finland opts for Digita, one of five Flash-OFDM bids

by Staff Writer | posted on 22 June 2005

The Finnish ministry in charge of communications  has decided that, of the seven proposals received, Digita made the best case and will be awarded the single licence.

Further details are available from official  sources

Digita proposed deploying a network, indicating FLASH-OFDM as their preferred technology, to provide Finnish operators with a mobile broadband solution for those areas outside the reach of DSL.

Finland, where the first GSM call was made in September 1991, has again recorded a world’s first with the announcement to implement a nationwide deployment of mobile OFDM technology.  Ms Leena Luhtanen, the Minister of Transport and Communications, believes the choice of technology is progressive even on an international scale.

Mike Gallagher, Flarion’s President, said, “Following on from successful cooperation and deployments with the likes of Nextel, T-mobile and Vodafone it is gratifying to see that regulators and operators alike are fully embracing FLASH-OFDM”.

 “The Finnish decision will have huge reverberations throughout Europe, in the 450MHz spectrum, and beyond.  This announcement demonstrates not only the growing momentum behind FLASH-OFDM as the solution for mobile broadband deployments but also that the market is happening now “ said Andrew Gilbert, Flarion’s VP & General Manager EMEA.

 Of the 7 applicants bidding for the single 450MHz license in Finland, 5 proposed Flarion’s FLASH-OFDM solution (Digita, Elisa, Finnet, LynxNet and Saunalahti) and only 2 Qualcomm’s rival CDMA450 technology (NMT and Cubio).

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