PR releases

Tree Penetrating Wireless Solution Will be Used in Hundreds of Major RV Parks and Area Campgrounds and Hotel Hotspots.

by Staff Writer | posted on 05 April 2005

MP technology tree penetrating antenna for use in major RV park installs to gain 95% coverage in parks and surrounding areas

March 4, 2005 -- How do you improve on connecting the travelings public to the Internet in primary markets such as RV Parks, Campgrounds, Marinas, Truck stops, Resorts and all other high traffic recreational areas? Stay on top of technical advances in the wireless world. A new antenna from WiFi-Plus, Inc. is allowing a successful NLOS (Non line of sight) wireless model to have greater reach at reduced cost for park and hotel owners that must supply communication alternatives to the travelings public.

Internet connectivity solutions to complex and remote locations throughout North America are in high demand. New solutions are now available to provide end users with the best possible connectivity options for Internet access convenience. Trees and natural obstructions can be very challenging and often can limit deployments to (LOS)Line of Sight solutions. The antennas, coupled with pre-configured radios offer remarkable tree and obstruction penetrating qualities, insuring end customer satisfaction. We anticipate providing additional coverage in areas that have been challenged with obstruction problems in the past.

Wifi-Plus took the harder route and designed solutions specifically for the NLOS type of environment. Real-world tests of the WiFi-Plus products yielded significant improvements in coverage and end user access in obstructed areas. Other antennas tested did not offer to the connectivity achieved with Wifi-Plus in testing.

WiFi-Plus, Inc. President Dennis Broderick said, “We are providing a product that is making last mile communications possible. Wireless internet is becoming a must have for hotels, marina’s, resorts and RV parks. It is predicted that wireless deployments will grow from 25 million in 2004 to 100 million by 2008. The growth is projected around corporate spending for increased productivity for the corporate worker both in the office and on the road."

About WiFi-Plus, Inc.

Wifi-Plus, Inc. holds exclusive patent rights on its proprietary NLOS antenna designs, which gathers multi-path reflection and refractions in multiple polarisations achieving superior coverage in areas that other antennas will receive noise or drop out. WiFi-Plus multi-polarised (MP) antennas collect the available signal in a Doppler-like, 3 dimensional space and combine these signals to produce a signal that would otherwise be considered non-existent. WiFi-Plus is the only antenna manufacturer able to make such a claim.

WiFi-Plus, Inc. antenna users include municipalities, telecom providers, retailers, corporations, military, public safety, emergency response, academic, research and government organisations. The firm operates through various distribution channels and recently announced an alliance with to advance the supply of electronic signage networks for retail, commercial and public information applications. See

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