Never say the Internet does not work! - beer is here!
by Guy Kewney | posted on 03 March 2005
Your Editor, sitting beer-less in the Mad Bishop And Bear, posted a sad plaint about the over-kind nature of the bar staff.

Five minutes later, a nice young man arrived. "I gather you'd like something to eat?" he said.
Photographic evidence shows that I got my beer, and my nachos, forthwith.
Don't ask how this works. I can't believe bar staff read NewsWireless, so I guess someone emailed them...? Whoever you were - thanks!
beer at last! - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
in Gossip
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you're reading:
Never say the Internet does not work! - beer is here!
Gossip: so will Chris Burke see his dinners go to Wybrow? or will CDMA pay the bill?
Memo to the manager of the Mad Bishop And Bear, Paddington: serve beer!