
So, why are you resigning from your job at PalmOne?

by Sniffer | posted on 13 January 2005

A Palm Tungsten T5 is, of course, the MOST desirable of techno-toys. It's certainly nicer than many other PDAs. But would you pay a thousand pounds for one? Your Sniffer thought not, but PalmOne said otherwise. The Web page for employees said "£999 Buy Now!" which came as something of a shock to the employee who slipped this information to us. We said we thought it was rather pricey, not much of a discount...


"It's a lovely piece of kit," boasted the employee. "Did you miss the press release?"

We admitted that The Boss had been on holiday when it came out. "Well, it's well worth three hundred quid," he said. So we checked PalmOne's store online, and found that the Tungsten E, like the T5, both come advertised at three times that. Not just on the employee shop site, but also the standard Euro site.

Our inside contact swore on his granny, Edwina Colligan, that the true price was £333. "They can't have put the real price into the form, and that'll be the default value!" he shrieked.

The Boss told the Hunky Mouse to check this with the PR people. Alas! - the Web site for contacting Palm shows the European PR contact phone number as a nine-digit London number.

Hmph. Based in London as well as in Belmont, CA, the Hunky Mouse knows better than to try dialling that. We'll just have to hope that the Kaizo PR staff can fix both errors... meanwhile, if you work for PalmOne don't resign just yet! The perqs of the job aren't that bad.

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