Revolution; that's going back to the same old thing, right?
by Sniffer | posted on 17 May 2002
Pong, Centipede, Breakout and Asteroids. Anybody old enough to remember them?

These games (yes, they were games, kids) from the 70s are set to "revolutionise" mobile phone entertainment. It says so, right here in this press release from Motorola: "Motorola and iFone partnership set to revolutionize mobile entertainment with launch of Atari titles."
Ah yes, Atari. A computer games company your grandparents might remember, children. And "revolutionise" means what goes around, comes around again, and again, and again.
Fact is; anybody old enough to remember these games is probably too long-sighted to be able to play them on a tiny phone screen; so who knows? It might just be a Whole New World to today's thumb-generation. And then again ...
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Revolution; that's going back to the same old thing, right?
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