A problem for the IETF: what is it's problem? That's the problem ...
by Sniffer | posted on 24 February 2003
Sniffer has been picking up the strangest stray packets in a new IETF working group. The group has been proposed in the General Area. What's the problem? Well, it seems that the problem is, nobody knows what the problem is ...
Sniffer has established this much: that there is a "Problem Statement (problem)" which goes like this: Description of Working Group: "Discussions during 2002 have revealed a significant number of thoughts about problems that exist with the way the IETF operates. In advance of trying to change the IETF procedures and rules to deal with these problems, the IETF should have a clear, agreed description of what problems we are trying to solve." Very admirable! "This group is charged with producing the document describing these problems. The analysis of the problem should seek out the root causes of the problems as well as the perceived derivative problems." Yes, that makes perfect sense ... "The intent is that the group will discuss issues on its mailing list, and that there will be an editing team to produce a clear concise problem statement on which the group has come to consensus and present to the IETF as a basis for an IETF consensus." Excellent! "As a second work item, the group will also produce a proposal for a process to develop solutions to the problems identified by this working group." Yes, of course. "It is not a part of this group's charter to propose solutions to the problems." Problem solving is an arcane business, certainly; but your investigative packet-sniffer is completely incapable of specifying a way of "specifying a process to develop solutions" which doesn't imply some sort of solution. Surely, the process of searching for solutions inherently points you towards the sort of solution you're searching for?
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A problem for the IETF: what is it's problem? That's the problem ...
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