Terrorists "targeting WiFi Alliance members"? Americans stay away ...
by Sniffer | posted on 05 March 2003
What could be more important to the WiFi Alliance's internal "discussions" about what version of the new, faster, WiFi standard to use? That's easy: this week's compatibility tests in Munich have been overshadowed by it - the war in Iraq.

Our Sniffer has seen the attendance lists for the meetings in Germany this week, where the crucially important subject of "how will we test for 802.11g compatibility?" is being discussed. And one thing stands out: the number of American names which aren't on the list.
The Hunky Mouse sniffed out a mole, and asked why they weren't coming. After all, there is, currently, no actual war going on in Europe, nor even the threat of one. Come to that, there's no open war being waged even in Iraq, 2,000 miles away.
"Oh, they're afraid of being attacked," said the mole.
Apparently, the importance of wireless compatibility is so great to the stability of the West, that many of the former WECA members have decided they will be conspicuous Al-Quaeda targets if they fly across the Atlantic at this delicate time.
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