Careless coffee shop talk costs ...
by Sniffer | posted on 22 March 2003
All mobile phone operators are a bit short of cash, of course. But T-Mobile isn't thinking small, when it comes to "we have no money" boasts, according to American gossip.

Sniffer picked up the following packets:
"Rumour has it T-Mobile and their parent company Deutche Telecom are getting desperate as their combined red ink spirals toward the $100 billion mark. Word is, after letting all contractors go, T-Mobile COO announced to all employees that they were to stop talking about the company at stores, coffee shops, etc. because the public may get the wrong idea of what's going on. Apparently any employees caught breaking the rule will be fired."
We'd tell you what that URL points to, but apparently it breaks terms and conditions of our ISP contract ... so you can click on this URL but you mustn't read it. OK?
For a time, at least, http://makeashorterlink.com/?U3EA45AE3 will work!
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Careless coffee shop talk costs ...
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