Live reports by the HunkyMouse from W2003S launch
by Sniffer | posted on 24 April 2003
Yes, the Sniffer is out and about, catching the gos as it happens ...

And here is where the commentary is going ...
I hope!
What makes it worth doing, of course, isn't the fact that we're reporting on a new Windows server. It's the live demo. For example,
Kieran Mockford, another systems engineer, is challenged to "empower a salesforce."
Mockford shows a slide of Silos of information. There are five of them -
Above them, is a cloud called Web services. And above that, are the PCs and phones and pocket pcs and so on.
He's a brave lad, Mockford. He's going to write some code right here and now to generate a report that will go out to a Pocket PC showing what is going on.
Actually, impressive though this is, the code is mostly pre-written. Well, obviously! "Rather than bore you with my typing, I'll drag in the last four or five lines from my toolbox," he says, in best Blue Peter mode -
What makes it worth doing, of course, is the way he is transmitting this from his back end services to his iPaq, via the local wireless LAN. Which is here, live – otherwise you wouldn't be getting this live blog!
in Gossip
So, 24 million convenience stores in Portugal?
Clever design, and a USB memory key, and Sony
Symbian decides to avoid the headlines ...
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Live reports by the HunkyMouse from W2003S launch
What's grey, has a trunk, and a tale to tell?