A Testing day for a Tablet, out of doors
by Guy Kewney | posted on 31 July 2003
Today is a day for testing new hardware. We've acquired a small Tablet PC - the Stylistic from Fujitsu Siemens. It works out of doors, because it has a transflective display. So today, we will be bringing you reports from an out-of-doors location - Lords Cricket Ground.

Alas, the Stylistic doesn't have the software we need to post messages to this board. So for the day, all our posts will appear in the NewsWireless.Net discussion areas.
And because we don't have a big enough battery, or a fast enough link, bulletins will be infrequent. Our trusty Orange SPV-e100 will have to suffice ...
Just as long as you understand that none of these interruptions are in any way due to the possibility that the Editor might be trying to watch the game of cricket against South Africa? OK? It's an outdoors test ...
Got it?
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A Testing day for a Tablet, out of doors
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