NewsWireless - the future? is there one?
by Guy J Kewney | posted on 28 February 2010
You readers - both of you! - pay attention; I need advice about what to do with this web site, because, well, I'm obviously leaving it behind when I go!
The fact that I'm leaving it behind isn't exactly a secret - I've blogged it. But it was a private blog, for friends only, and I have taken the view that it's nobody else's business whether I'm ill, or healthy. But we've got beyond that point: my doctors have confirmed that the treatment they were prescribing me is no longer working.
So somewhere between now, and the end of 2010, I won't be here. And NewsWireless will just fade. Well, it already has; I've been too ill to give it my attention for the last 18 months except for the odd day or week.
Thoughts? Yes, it's a bit weird, but I've got little else to occupy my mind! - so click on the link below, and have your say...
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