Blogging software: endlessly entertaining! Well done, Live Journal...
by Guy Kewney | posted on 08 February 2010
How do you think I should spell NBSP? Well, not NBSP, actually, nbsp. Apparently, I should consider: "Neb's".
![Guy Kewney](/contentimages/authors/guyk.jpg)
Yes. Well, as some of my closer friends will warn you, I do run a private blog or two or three Elsewhere, mostly as a way of testing out different blogging tools. So I have a Blogger account, and a Typepad one, and a Wordpress one, and a Scribefire account - and amongst these, is a LiveJournal.
The LJ blog is relatively busy, one or two posts every month. Well, I have a life outside Livejournal... but it is a fact that in the time since I set up that account, I have never considered using the option to "check spelling." Today, I did.
To my intense amusement the text that opened up in the window was not the "rich text" I had created. It was the HTML code.
As a friend remarked when I told him "It is important that the HTML is correctly spelled!" and indeed it is. And if you want a non-breaking space or nbsp to appear in the text, and accept LiveJournal's own intervention?
"nb sp, nb-sp, NBS, tbsp, Nb's, nabs, nibs, nobs, nubs, Neb's, nib's, nob's, nub's"
Trust me, that's not well-formed HTML, any of it...
Technorati tags: html
Suggestions: hat mail, not html? - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
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Blogging software: endlessly entertaining! Well done, Live Journal...