
Not-very-tasty pasty!

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 19 September 2009

Burned offerings, I thought, were no longer fashionable; it appears the Pasty Shop wants to revive them. Today's assignment comes to you from a train - testing Wide Area Networking on a run down to Gatwick. And having missed breakfast in the rush to catch the train, I bought a hasty pasty at Victoria station.

The picture really doesn't show quite how burned this thing is. Since taking the picture, hunger overcame good sense, and I tried it; it is charcoal, bitter-tasting. Gods are reputed to find burned offerings pleasing to the nose; this smells like someone's house after the fire brigade has left.

The thing that Really annoys me is that The Pasty Shop had dozens of pasties on display. But I didn't get any of the delicious-looking ones on display. No - the assistant slid this dud one into my paper bag under the counter, and I didn't see it until the train was already moving.

The good news: I managed to upload this story over Orange's HDPA link, and full marks to the HP Elitebook which holds the SIM card.

But I won't forgive the Pasty Shop!

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Burned pasty!