
Touch me. I want to feel dirty...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 11 September 2009

It's true: the Touch isn't our favourite HTC phone, and we've complained about "Touch-Flo" too. But "This number type has been exist a phone number"?

The message come up when our reporter tried to update an existing contact with a new number. That should be one of the few things Touch-Flo makes easy enough. You type the new number in, and the phone asks you if you want to save it before dialling.

Our bright lad said "yes" and it then asked if he wanted to create a new contact or update an existing contact. He wanted to update an old entry, so that's what he picked.

Up came the menu showing the number. "I did nothing else!" he insists. "I saw the form. It showed this mobile number and it was tagged 'mobile' - so I said 'save' and really, what else would you do?"

Indeed. And the message (illustrated) was: "This number type has been exist a phone number. Are you sure to update this number type?"

A good bet that one of the options is going to screw your database by turning all your "mobile" tags into "home" isn't it? OK, place your bets. Is it "Yes" or "No" that will destroy all order?

You have to pick one...

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T-t-t-touch me...