September conference: Mobile Device Developments 2004 in London
by Guy Kewney | posted on 26 May 2004
"Following up on the success off Mobile Device Developments 2003," say the organisers modestly, "Visiongain B2B Conferences are please to announce the 2nd annual event examining the current state of the market for mobile devices (smartphones, phone-enabled PDA, communicators, 2.5G and 3G handsets), and the opportunities for growth both in market size and ARPU (average revenue per user)."

The date is 1-3 September 2004 and the venue is the Hilton Kensington, London - and do NOT assume you know where that is! There are several Hiltons in London.
Costs are high, not free: the conference & workshop costs £1600 +VAT while the conference only is £1299 +VAT. For the workshop only it drops to £650 +VAT.
Please call +44(0)20 8767 6711 or contact Chris Cullinane to book.
Key themes include:
*What features and applications are going to be tomorrow's standard
*What brands are going to lead the market? *Which handsets/devices are revolutionising the mobile offer?
*Developing features to boost customer use and ARPU
*Adapting devices for all networks and standards of connectivity: 2G, 2.5G, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi, VoIP, EDGE
*Managing strategic alliances for maximum revenue for all players involved
*Marketing new devices: market segmentation, pricing, promotional alliances
Confirmed Speakers include: Eric Shadduck, Group Manager Mobile E-Mail and Messaging, International Business Marketing IM2, T-Mobile International; Marcos Eguillor, Handsets & Smart Cards Expert, Telefonica Moviles; Jukka Helin, Head of MediaLab, TeliaSonera; Cedric Nicolas, Mobile Multimedia and i-mode Expertise and Roadmap manager, Bouygues Telecom; Ed Candy, Technology Director, 3 UK; Alex Hum, Programme Head, New Human Interaction Technologies, Orange Group Research and Innovation; Thijs Altena, Marketing Business Markets, KPN Mobile; David Werezak, Vice President Marketing, Research in Motion; Myrddin Jones, Manager Business Display Group, Hitachi Europe Ltd; Mike Phillips, Director of Marketing Wireless & Broadband Systems, Motorola/Freescale Semiconductors; Orly Nesher, Director of Marketing, Emblaze Mobile and John Williamson, Vice President Technology, Carrier Devices.
The workshop is "Developing devices and features for business customers" and is on Wednesday 1st September. It will be led by: Edward Belgeonne, Chief Executive Officer, Destiny Wireless Plc, and the workshop will run from 10:00 until 16:00 with lunch and refreshments "at appropriate intervals."
Main topics of discussion:
* Businesses' wireless needs: devices/handsets to suit different sectors
* Developing partnerships between vendors, operators and enterprises to implement wireless strategies
* Marketing new devices and features to business customers
Full details from Visiongain's new conference site
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September conference: Mobile Device Developments 2004 in London
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