Really, time to give up on Multimap, hello StreetView and Google!
by Sniffer | posted on 05 May 2009
A couple of weeks back, I tried to send a friend a link to the Reservoir Cafe, on the beautiful inner-city lake at Stoke Newington's West Reservoir. I completely failed, because Multimap didn't know what "West Reservoir" meant. Today, I tried Google maps. A hit, first time.

The test was entirely fair. I used "stoke newington west reservoir" as the search command. Google Maps found it exactly, and gave me half a dozen beautiful photos, and a set of easy-click directions to drive there.
Multimap gave me a view of Stamford Hill railway station, well over a mile away. Anybody trying to find the place would be - well, rather vexed.
I would have been vexed anyway. But this was insult to injury, because Multimap does know the place exists.
We know they know, because I told them myself; I used Multimap's own "report this place" feedback form. I have used it TWICE. I did it last autumn, and I did it again this winter. "Thank you for reporting this," said Multimap. And response?
Well, I also rang the press office. I left voicemail. I got the same response.
Of course, Multimap does have "Bird's Eye" which gives you a low-aerial view (and very pretty, too). I'd show you the image of the Reservoir Cafe, but - well, check out the FAQ:
Aerial & Satellite Photos
Can I buy an aerial image?
Our aerial images are regrettably not for sale.
Can I buy a satellite image?
Our satellite images are regrettably not for sale.
Can I copy or download an aerial image?
Due to copyright restrictions, it is illegal to copy or download any of the aerial or satellite images on our website.
Illegal. Of course, I can make a quick screen grab, but apparently, it's illegal to publish it. Clever, eh?
Oh, yeah... favourites! I did try finding the place (I know where it is, duh) manually. I dragged the map around till it was centred. I tried adding it to my favourites: I saw the thing on the left of the map which said "favourite routes and places" and had a big plus sign .
I hit the plus sign. It said: "You have no favourites."
You can only assume that nobody in Microsoft/Multimap ever actually uses this system... and indeed, why would they, when they have Google Street View?
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Really, time to give up on Multimap, hello StreetView and Google!
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