Testing LTE equipment? Make sure you're properly dressed...
by Sniffer | posted on 12 March 2009
"Epitiro Launches LTE Test Suit" says the headline. Sadly, no; it's not a pre-stained white coat with ball-pen markings on the pockets.

As the story quickly makes clear: it is
the world’s first packet-domain test solution for UMTS long term evolution (LTE) device manufacturers and mobile network operators (MNOs). The suite is comprised of LTELabTM and ISP-I TM LTE
It was announced today by CTO JP Curley, who quickly emphasised the "L" word - latency, not much heard in HSPA articles. “The industry needs to get to grips with end-to-end IP networking, high-speed data throughput, latency and application-specific issues,” he said.
The Cardiff-based company is also a major player in the femtocell market. It recently announced Paralink Networks Inc. as its distributor of FemtoLab and FemtoLite test solutions for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Paralink "offer a range of network test equipment to manufacturers, mobile operators and broadband service providers, with corporate offices in China and Taiwan," said the official announcement.
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