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Ubiquisys Tops New ABI Research Femtocell Vendor Matrix Ranking

by Staff Writer | posted on 11 March 2009

LONDON - March 11, 2009 -Ubiquisys has been ranked at the top of the latest Vendor Matrix released by ABI Research.

And ip.access Ltd and Airvana claimed the second and third spots in the company’s most recent evaluation of worldwide femtocell vendors.

“Ubiquisys comes out on top of the vendor matrix yet again both in terms of innovation and implementation,” comments senior analyst Aditya Kaul. “Ubiquisys has the momentum going for it at the moment with multiple operator trials and rollouts across the world. ip.access has seen its partnership and close relationship with Cisco bear fruit. The firm has built upon its innovation and R&D expertise and is now in close competition with Ubiquisys. Closely following ip.access is Airvana, which has risen two positions from last year. Its modular approach allows it to integrate with multiple form factors and is one of the leading femto module suppliers to broadband gateway vendors.”

The Vendor Matrix is an analytical tool developed by ABI Research to provide a clear understanding of vendors’ positions in specific markets. Vendors are assessed on the important parameters of “innovation” and “implementation” across several criteria unique to each vendor matrix.

For this particular matrix, under "innovation," ABI Research rated the vendors or their products with regard to cost, interference mitigation techniques, standards-compliant network interface, gateway and handset IOT, solution maturity, hand in/out, module support, multimode support, a future-proof upgrade path, scalability, Femtozone service/application framework support, and their support for multiple form factors.

Under "implementation," ABI Research scrutinized the following criteria: the vendors’ end-to-end solution capability and ecosystem partnerships; RFP, trial and rollout activity; the ability to scale and commoditize quickly; carrier relationships; the companies’ overall financial and organizational health; and their silicon strategies and partnerships.

To view a chart showing the rankings of the “top ten” firms in this Vendor Matrix, please visit Femtocell Vendor Matrix. Registration on the ABI Research website (free) is required. Access to the rankings and profiles of all companies surveyed is available to clients of ABI Research.

This Vendor Matrix forms part of ABI Research’s Femtocells Research Service. For a list of all ABI Research Vendor Matrices, please visit The ABI Research Vendor Matrix.

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