
Whatever you do, Lord, don't deliver us. Not by courier, anyway...

by Guy Kewney | posted on 20 February 2009

Borrowing equipment... it can be rather trying. The problem isn't trying to borrow it. It isn't the testing time of testing it, either. It's getting it back to its owner afterwards. In spite of everything they can do, we often succeed!

Guy Kewney

Today, I was full of praise for the courier. "Are you Guy Kewney?" he asked politely. "I've got a collection to make on behalf of CleverClogs PR, for delivery to CleverClient."

Amazing. I told him as much. "Sometimes, I'll have five packages here waiting to be collected," I said. "And someone will show up and say "NewsWireless? I'm supposed to collect a parcel, or package, or envelope, or summink."

To find a courier who knew what it was he was collecting, where it was going, and who would pay the bill? Too good to be true, I should have thought.

Half an hour later, and CleverClient is on the phone. "I've got a parcel from you. I'm not prepared to accept delivery. It doesn't say who ordered it."

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Whatever you do, Lord, don't deliver us. Not by courier, anyway...


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