
MWC: Informa analysis mobile principles...?

by Sniffer | posted on 10 February 2009

Mark Newman may be about to be quite rude to his publicity team. "On the eve of this year’s Congress, Mark Newman, Chief Research Officer at Informa Telecoms & Media explores this year’s likely key themes," is how the PR blurb starts. But the apostrophes are just the start!


The apostrophes are almost certainly an artefact of transcoding from HTML:

Exhibitors at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona face a tough challenge. How can they both showcase new mobile Internet devices, mobile applications and next generation mobile broadband network technology while at the same time satisfy operators’ overriding single objective in 2009 – cutting costs as the mobile industry faces up to the global economic downturn?

It's an accident. Could happen to anybody. But then, there's the (impressive) list of Top Tech Staff at Informa: all pretty principled people...

Angela Stainthorpe
Research Analyst
Dexter Thillien
Research Analyst
Kris Szaniawski
Principle Analyst
David McQueen
Principle Analyst
Thomas Wehmeier
Principle Analyst
Gavin Patterson
Principle Analyst
Gareth Sims
Head of Forecasting
Jamie Moss
Senior Research Analyst
Gareth Willmer
Gavin Byrne
Research Analyst
Shailendra Pandey
Senior Research Analyst
Julian Brights
James Moore
Research Analyst
Pamela Clark-Dickson
Senior Analyst
Dario Talmesio
Senior Analyst
Julian Herbert
Principle Analyst
Rob Gallagher
Principle Analyst
Guillermo Escofet
Malik Kamal-Saadi
Principle Analyst
Nick Jotischky
Principle Analyst
Ronan Shields
Senior Reporter

 Cut and paste, we assure you, Mark. Cut and paste. No need to point out any of our similar cockups - we know they happen. But this is YOUR turn to squirm.

The editor says he'll buy you a drink in Barcelona... but he's a journalist. Unprincipled blighter, you know...

Mark's full article is here. Worth a read if you're heading to Barcelona.

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