Your application for "Worst Web Site Ever" award...
by Guy Kewney | posted on 18 September 2008
Dear Aberdeen Domain Holdings... thanks for pointing us at your "Freesat frequently asked questions" web site. We presume this is your submission for our Worst Website Awards ceremony, the so-called Oscars of bad web design.

The site you showed us, the FAQ site, [image, right]will be submitted to the judges. However, although it shows some promising work and several definite achievements, there are some Worst Web conventions which you appear to be unaware of, and for which compliance is mandatory.
You would, if accepted, get points for "crap colour contrast for text" and "illegibility" and these do score highly. Our judges would also praise your designer for "gratuitous UPPER CASE" usage, and for "incomprehensible layout" and you'd certainly get bonus points for making all text centred.
However, we did pre-screen your submission with one of our experts, who points out that you need to meet standards, in order to qualify. His comments:
No 'snow'; no flashing text; no scrolling banners; no lime green on purple; only one font - and it's not even Comic Sans; no MIDI music'; no animated GIFs; no blocky graphics with a white halo around them... Hell, there's not even a hit counter...!
Please adjust, and re-submit.
Oh, and while it isn't compulsory to have all links equally bad, your blog needs attention if you want to compete for the highest awards. Part of it (being a standard blogging CMS) are almost legible; and the colour choices, while acceptably weird, don't cause actual eye-strain. Do, please, persevere! - but we have, definitely seen worse this year.
And no; being a web design consultancy doesn't disqualify you, but it does make us wonder who your clients are. Could you send us a list, to help us Adblock them?
Ta ever so...
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Your application for "Worst Web Site Ever" award...