
"Another week till MobileMe is fully working again" - Apple

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 29 July 2008

Im- How do you tell subscribers to your "exclusive" email service that their system is down, and won't work properly for another seven days? Obviously, you can't send them email...

So Apple has posted a message on a special status page on its web site, explaining that

restoring full email access to the remaining 1% of MobileMe users is our first priority. We turned on web access to their current email yesterday and the feedback has been cautiously positive.

Since then, we've restored full email history (minus the approximately 10% of mail received between July 16 and July 18 which may have been lost) and the ability to access email from a Mac, PC and iPhone, to over 40% of these users, and expect the remainder to be restored in the next few days. Inevitably, some subscribers to the service have lost their customary "it's cool!" attitude to everything Steve Jobs does. Some even went so far as to post angry messages on non-Mac web sites reminding Jobs that most email these days is free, and the dot-Mac service which was relaunched as Mobile Me is not.

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