
Reasons not to buy "imaginary" iPhone

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 30 April 2008

It takes a brave reporter to say: "As nifty as the current iPhone is, there are multiple reasons not to buy it..." - but PCWorld's Harry McCracken is that brave man. He's talking about a rumoured phone, costing a hundred quid.

But it may not exist:

"A Fortune blog is reporting that a source has told it that AT&T will offer a $200 subsidy for iPhone buyers who sign up for a two-year contact, bringing the price of the hip handset down to $199."
That's the new 3G (still unannounced) iPhone.

The old one, writes McCracken: "It's got a slow data connection, it doesn't yet run third-party applications...and at $399 with no subsidy from AT&T, it's kinda pricey. We know that a 3G iPhone is on its way, and that Apple's upcoming iPhone SDK will make the phone into a first-rate platform for apps of all kinds."

The message is: wait! even if the 100 quid iPhone is entirely imaginary - which, he says, seems likely.

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