
My favourite desert is: the Namib! Can I have my Bluetooth mouse, now?

by Sniffer | posted on 29 February 2008

Since this is Leap Year, a sort of insanity appears to have gripped Web editors. I think the worst must be poor old Jason Dunn at Pocket PC Thoughts, who has (like many of us!) been plagued by a useless mouse giveaway for some months.


What's the best thing to do with a useless giveaway? Give it away, of course! Jason writes:

I figured a leap year was a good excuse to give something away to Pocket PC Thoughts readers, and this has been sitting on my desk for a while now so I thought, hey, time for a giveaway! This isn't specifically Windows Mobile-related, although maybe someone out there can get this to work with their device. The giveaway is, of course, for a MoGo Bluetooth Mouse (valued at $60.95 USD).

To enter the contest, says Jason, "all you have to do is tell me what your favourite flavour of ice cream is. If you can't, or don't, do the ice cream thing, tell me your favourite desert instead."

Some like the Sahara, of course...
