Guy Goma: transcript of the interview
by Sniffer | posted on 14 April 2006
Karen Bowerman: Well, Guy Kewney is editor of the technology website Newswireless.
Goma: ! (his face is beyond description, and if they ever find an actor capable of reproducing the dozen-odd expressions which cross it, that actor should get the Oscar)

Karen Bowerman: Hello, good morning to you.
Goma: Good morning.
Karen Bowerman: Were you surprised by this verdict today?
Goma: I am very surprised to see... this verdict to come on me, because I was not expecting that. When I came, they told me something else and I am coming. "You got an interview," that's all. So a big surprise anyway.
Karen Bowerman: A big surprise, yeah, yes.
Goma: Exactly.
Karen Bowerman: With regards to the costs involved, do you think now more people will be downloading online?
Goma: Actually, if you can go everywhere you're can see a lot of people downloading to the Internet and the website, and everything they want. But I think it is much better for the development and...eh...to inform people what they want and to get the easy way and so faster if they are looking for. ..
Karen Bowerman: It does really seem to be the way the music industry's progressing now, that people want to go onto the website and download music.
Goma: Exactly. You can go everywhere on the cyber cafe, and you can take...you can go easy. It is going to be an easy way for everyone to get something to the Internet.
Karen Bowerman: Guy Kewney, thanks very much indeed.
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A big surprise, yeah... - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
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