
Not the most promiscuous Facebook member! - but too many friends for Facebook...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 02 January 2008

I wouldn't call myself a Facebook junkie, but I do have more than 20 "friends" on the system. Actually, it's more than 200, which nonetheless makes me a recluse by comparison with Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales. And I thought: "I'll send them a Facebook Happy New Year message!"

It's easy. You make a mail list. Click on the people you want to add, press "save list" and it's done!

Next, write the message. Type in the name of the list instead of the name of a friend.

"You can only mail 20 members at a time."

NOW they tell me? Do you know how long it takes to make a list of over 200 people, one darned click at a time? What's the problem with saying: "You can't add any more to the list" when I get to 20?

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