
One Laptop Per Consultant? A status report by an outsider...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 18 May 2007

The One Laptop Per Child concept, aimed at providing IT to children in poor countries, "is based on the conviction that capacity building and the education of schoolchildren in developing and industrializing nations will make the world a bit more just and peaceful."

A summary of the progress of this remarkable (and controversial!) project suggests that the manufacturer, Quanta, "shipped a four-digit number of the second prototype called BTest-2," earlier this year.

The plan is (says the report) that production of the first million XO laptops is to be completed, "but developers still have their work cut out for them if they are going to reach that goal, as the list of errors for BTest-2 illustrates ( 2_Release_Notes)."

The report tells you everything you could possibly want to know about how the machine is designed, what operating software it has, how pricing policy is evolving, and how it is being kept out of the hands of the greedy.

The full article, in eight parts, starts here

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