
Mobile roaming reforming: UK Government in Lords house will discuss EU proposals

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 16 May 2007

The House of Lords will next week debate the EU proposals for a cap on mobile phone roaming charges. The debate follows the publication in April of the Lords EU Committee’s report on the issue, Mobile Phone Charges in the EU: Curbing the Excess.

The debate is planned for the afternoon of Thursday 24 May. The Lords debate coincides with a European Parliament Plenary vote on the European Commission’s proposals for a cap on roaming charges, which takes place on Thursday morning.

With the European Parliament expected to vote in favour of a cap the Lords debate "will provide a fascinating backdrop on the effects of such a vote for UK residents," commented a Government executive today.

"The Lords Committee report was widely praised in Europe for the detailed work it did looking at roaming charges and it has been influential in the negotiations between the European Commission and EU Parliament on how to frame the proposed legislation, the comment concluded.

Lord Freeman, who chaired the Committee that produced Mobile Phone Charges in the EU: Curbing the Excess is expected to comment on the EU Parliament’s vote on May 24th.

Further notes:

1. The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on the internal market published its report on 23rd April.

2. The original press release that accompanied the report is available for download.

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