
Spot the "new and exciting" bits, as CTIA upgrades the web site.

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 01 March 2007

We have it on good authority: the CTIA itself has assured us that it has "unveiled a new and improved version of its website."

With barely muffled cries of excitement, everybody here clicked their ways to

"The re-designed site encompasses easy navigation, streamlined content organization, and interactive features in areas such as the newly created Consumer Information section and Multimedia Library," we read easily

"Visitors to will notice sweeping changes and improvements from the previous site, giving the Association a “new face.”

There was a moment of astonishment. "What did the old one look like?" asked the production Editor.

"Boring, just like this one," said the Gossip Columnist.

Anyway, it's official. At last, CTIA has an RSS feed! No, you're right... it doesn't say so on the front page. Perhaps it should, don't you think?

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