PR releases

Live Video Web Feed of Mardi Gras New Orleans, LA

by Staff Writer | posted on 16 February 2007 will be streaming live video to your Window's Media Player 24 hours a day starting Friday 02/16/2007 at 8pm (CST) and ending Ash Wednesday morning 12:00am (CST). The stream will be broadcast LIVE from a balcony overlooking Bourbon Street which is the scene of the most fantastic party in the world.

You've heard about it; now, see what everyone is talking about. Uncut, uncensored, Mardi Gras. The beads, the parades, weird sights and sounds. See it all happen here.

The feed will be broadcast using a high resolution camera with both, high bandwidth, and low bandwidth available. Using the technology of wireless high-bandwidth data streaming, and the Microsoft Windows Media Player, the Mardi Gras will come alive on your PC as it's never been seen before. Raw, uncut, uncensored and live as it happens.

The event is being web cast free of charge by the crew and will be web cast for 5 consecutive days. In addition, a special chat application will be provided to allow for conversations during the hours the web cast is live.

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