PR releases

Exradia launches a safe mobile and wireless lifestyle solution

by Staff Writer | posted on 13 February 2007

12 Feb 2007, Exradia, a new company headquartered in London, launched today at 3GSM Barcelona. The company has been established to work with telecommunications and wireless technology providers around the world to bring to market products that protect people from the potentially harmful effects of radiation emitted from mobile phones and other wireless electronic devices. Exradia has the sole rights to patented technology proven to prevent the biological effects caused by man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell phones and other wireless devices. It is these man-made biological effects that have recently been directly linked to health concerns.

Exradia will be providing a range of products and services for manufacturers, retailers, value added resellers and employers who want to minimise risks to the health of their customers and staff. Exradia’s ‘My Wi-Guard’ technology can be provided through mobile cell-phone and laptop batteries incorporating the technology, co-development of Exradia protected products, technology licensing agreements, own-label products, and ‘My Wi-Guard’ family and business mobile cell phone tariff plans.

The launch is timely given the growing concern around the world that long-term use of mobile phones and electronic devices may create health problems. Jim Lawler, Chief Executive of Exradia says: “Our guardian ‘My Wi-Guard’ technology provides people with the choice of enjoying unconstrained freedom to use these technologies with confidence in a wireless world.”

Recent studies have suggested there might be a link between heavy mobile phone use and certain types of cancer in the head and eye, as well as potential impacts on male fertility. Most major man-made causes of illnesses have taken more than a decade to become apparent. Exradia’s management believe that none of the research undertaken so far addresses long-term use of mobile phones and other wireless technologies. Given this situation, Lawler says; “Our industry should raise its social responsibility standards by applying sensible risk management. Providing people with the choice to protect themselves will ultimately safeguard the health of the industry”.

Lawler’s view of the Exradia ‘My Wi-Guard’ technology is simple – it is the new digital airbag and seatbelt for the 21st century wireless highway.

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