
3GSM: Wednesday is dotMobi day in Barcelona

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 09 February 2007

Concurrent with the 3GSM conference, there is the Wireless Developer Forum, on two days in Barcelona: and the dotMobi Advisory Group is running sessions on Wednesday 14 February 2007: 08:30 - 13:00 at the Hotel Barcelo Sants. The Forum itself is over two days: 13-14 February.

Boasting of having registered "over 350,000 plus .mobi domains" the Advisory Group promises to "provide all mobile, IT and media companies with insights to the innovative and new revenue-generating opportunities enabled by .mobi domains."

Fortunately, the agenda is rather longer than that. It will, apparently, cover "hot" topics such as mobile web, email, search, advertising, payment and location services.

The Agenda:
08:00 Refreshments and Registration
08:30 Welcome and Introduction to the dotMobi Advisory Group

Michael J. O'Farrell, Chair & Interim Executive Director, MAG
Lauri Hirvonen, Vice-Chair, MAG
08:45 Keynote Address: Internet Made Mobile

James Pearce, Chief Technology Officer, dotMobi
Tim Ruiz, Vice President, Corporate Development & Policy, Go Daddy
09:00 Why .mobi Domains?
Global Mobile Internet Industry Round Table with Audience Q & A

Tim Ruiz, Vice President, Corporate Development & Policy, Go Daddy
Kashif Hassan, Chairman, ooober
Gaetano Liggieri, Vice President for Industry Relations, Telcom Italia
Ritva Sirén, Director, Naming and Addressing, Technology Collaboration Center, Nokia
Alexa Raad, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, dotMobi
Moderator: Tim Haysom, Industry Relations Manager, Orange & MAG Steering Committee
09:45 dotMobi Switch On! Web Developer Guide, Tools & Resources

S. Prashanth, Akmin Technologies, MAG Products Working Group Chair
Ronan Cremin, Director of Development Initiatives, dotMobi
10:15 dotMobi Product Roadmap for Mobile Content, Messaging, Commerce and Advertising
MAG Task Force Chairs' Round Table with Audience Q & A

S. Prashanth, Akmin Technologies, MAG Interim Browsing Task Force Chair
Lauri Hirvonen, Nokia, MAG Interim Messaging Task Force Chair
Michael Keefe, Carlson Marketing, MAG Commerce Task Force Chair
Eric Eller, Millennial Media, MAG Advertising Task Force Chair
Moderator: Michael J. O'Farrell, Chair & Interim Executive Director, MAG
11:00 Networking Break
11:30 dotMobi Advisory Group 'Members Only' Meeting
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