
It's Windows Vista vs Windows Mobile! A knockout!

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 05 February 2007

A nasty shock today for enthusiastic 'Most Valuable Professional' Paul O'Brien - that is, someone recognised by Microsoft as a valuable resource - upgraded his PC to run Windows Vista. Then he tried updating his Windows Mobile phone using the Rom Upgrade Utility...

'You might just want to keep an XP partition on your machine,' says O'Brien ruefully. 'ROM upgrades via the normal RUU client do NOT work from within Vista, due to changes in the way the OS accesses the device.'

O'Brien is not some dumb luser; he's the founder of acknowledged Windows Mobile expert website, Modaco, which aims to solve exactly this sort of problem for readers.

'It also prevents IMEI-check unlocks from working on Vista,' he reports

today. 'I found out the hard way, don't make the same mistake.'

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