Another tag: Excellent People.
by Sniffer | posted on 30 October 2006
The ceaseless search for a way to contact the Wankerati at Technorati continues. This will generate a "ping" to Technorati. No no, the "excellent people" at Technorati!

Now, let's see...
How long before Wankerati appears in their searchable tags?
Update: It's there! Wow! now, what did we do right, this time?
Technorati tags: Wankerati Technorati
Really running out of a sense of fun... - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
in Blog
Vista: what is the Big Secret which Microsoft is afraid of exposing?
Knowledge Workers? Nah, bunch of illiterate yobs...
Meta-blogging (blogging about blogging about Scoble)
you're reading:
Another tag: Excellent People.
"Ensure you can see where you are putting your feet before walking."
These aren't the updates you're looking for, no FireFox to see here, move along...