
Spammer HunkyMouse laid by the heels? Hotmail in hot water!

by Staff Writer | posted on 12 October 2006

An enraged HunkyMouse has announced to the NewsWireless office that he is abandoning Hotmail "with extreme prejudice - just like they did to me."

The story submitted of his outrage was too long to print, and too painful to proofread. Suffice it to say that his 250 megabyte free mail storage space is empty.

No, he says it wasn't empty; Microsoft Network, MSN, emptied it for him. Why?

That's a good question, actually. A quick dip into the Hotmail FAQ is rather scary. It starts off with "Why...?" type questions which you probably didn't realise needed answering. For example: "Why can't I send mail to AOL subscribers?"

Apparently, you can't. It's all AOL's fault (summary) is the only explanation; something to do with spam. Hotmail, a source of spam? Never!

And that - spam, or phishing - is why the HunkyMouse no longer has a hotmail inbox, says the FAQ.

"If your MSN Hotmail account was closed and you don’t know why, it may have been closed because of a violation of the terms of use agreement. Some examples of terms of use agreement violations include the following:  

  • Sending unwanted mail or "spam"
  • Sending abusive or harassing e-mail
  • Participating in phishing or account fraud
  • Visit the MSN Technical Support website to submit an inquiry about why
    your account may have been closed."

    "Yes," snarled the HunkyMouse, terrifying a passing debt collector and three Inland Revenue Inspectors into fleeing the building, "a great idea. I tried that straight away. It says: "Service Unavailable."

    We gather he's dumping his Windows Mobile phone, too... last seen with a Nokia E-60 WiFi phone. But you can still mail him at his gmail account as hunkymouse at...

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