
Rumour says "NY students take pictures of bollox" - cameraphones banned

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 October 2006

It's hard to believe (admits blogger Alan Reiter) but New York's school safety officer has apparently banned "all mobile phones" after a teacher reported a rumour that two pupils took "inappropriate" pictures of each other with their camera-phones.

Reiter quotes a NY Sun report. His analysis: the report says that the ban is necessary "because the use of cell phones jeopardizes school safety and undermines the teaching and learning process," quoting the safety officer, Rose Albanese-DePinto.

As evidence, Ms. Albenese-DePinto refers to more than 20 cell phone-related incidents that were the subject of education department disciplinary reports.

In several of the incidents, which occurred during the 2005-06 school year, cell phones were at the center of violent struggles between teachers and students....

In several of the instances, it appears that the cameras that many cell phone models now feature were the cause of incidents. At a school in southwest Brooklyn in March, a male student used his camera phone to photograph an English exam.

In January, a male student in Manhattan showed a picture of his genitalia to a female school aide, according to an incident report.

In a neighboring school district, a gym teacher reported hearing rumors that two male students were taking inappropriate photos of themselves while at school.

Parents are said to be taking legal action, claiming cellphones are essential for child safety.

 In unrelated news, Reiter has launched a mobile TV weblog.

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