
Arsenal? Some kind of weapons dump, is it?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 03 October 2006

That's a spaceship, that is. You, being an ignorant person without the advanced understanding acquired from long employment with BT, might imagine it to be the Emirates Stadium, new home of the Arsenal football club near Highbury. Well, it isn't.

At least, not until last week, it wasn't.

What it is, had to be deduced by exception, because when the Emirates people tried to get their Internet connection, they found themselves in exactly the same situation as my ISP. "There's no such address."

They aren't alone. Since we ran the story about the fact that BT won't install broadband in a building without a postcode, we've been fed with a stream of other indignant protests from people who built a new house, or a new office block. All report the same experience. "BT won't install our lines, because they say there's no such address until there's a postcode."

You're the Urban Spaceship, baby; here's the twist... you don't exist!

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