Reader letter: - SPV link to fax software - help needed
by Sniffer | posted on 08 September 2006
A smartphone can be used as a modem. A modem can send faxes. Can an Orange SPV phone send faxes? Feedback needed!
Sir: It was with interest I read your excellent article on how to link an Orange SPV smartphone to a PC. I have the SPV 550 and wanted to connect it to my PC to send faxes using Fax Tools BVRP.

I was told by Orange that I do not need the 00 at the end of the string.
Anyway Fax Tools does not recognise the HTC USB modem on Com 4.
What can I do to send faxes from PC via SPV 550?
I haven't managed to solve your problem, sadly. Hopefully, someone will comment knowledgeably here; but can I suggest you also raise this problem on MoDaCo ? They have a lot of knowledgeable people, and I'll bet they can at least point you in the right direction...
mobile faxing? - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
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