
Will MMX reappear in mobile and AMD?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 24 July 2006

An interesting foot-note to AMD's takeover of graphics chip maker ATI - it brings central processor and graphics processor together, just at the time when Intel has sold off the last of its own "multimedia extensions" or MMX instructions, to Marvell.

The MMX enhancements to the Pentium, a decade and a half ago, are based on concepts pretty similar to the thinking that has AMD and ATI getting together, to integrate GPU and CPU; and this time, perhaps, it will work for good reasons

But the MMX concept went into another Intel chip as well - the mobile processor, based on the ARM core, which Intel called XScale. After three years of trying to get XScale adopted as the de-facto phone chip, Intel dumped the problem in Marvell's lap - and with it, the MMX enhancement to ARM.

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