
Sony - taking IBC really seriously: separate registration!

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 21 July 2006

Sony - taking IBC really seriously: separate registration!

Normally, it's enough for members of the Press to register for a Convention; that gives you automatic red carpet invites to all announcements. Obvious? Not to Sony; they want you to register separately.

"The Sony IBC 2006 Press Event will take place at the PTA (Passenger Terminal Amsterdam) on Thursday, 7th September 2006, says the announcement. "It will take place between 12.00pm and 3pm. Register now at:"

What's the bait? "This year, in recognition of the wide and diverse media that now attends IBC, Sony is moving on from its traditional press event format in favour of a more engaging and interactive series of media experiences."

Of course, it's all high definition (HD) and of marginal interest to the mobile industry... or is it? The session on "New Digital Media" is of immense interest, I'm sure, to anybody who has followed the e-paper revolution and the e-Page concept - and portable e-Page devices (formerly known as e-books) are, definitely mobile. So I put my expert name down for that.

Fully booked, it said. Go away.

The conference isn't till 7th September, and the press session on new digital media is full already. Ow. Tags: , , .

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