
Give the dog a bone: use the dog and bone (mobile phone)

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 26 June 2006

It's been party time in Singapore, where Communicasia has been running: and who has been home to feed the dog? Nobody? It's OK: you can dial the dog-feed robot on your mobile. It's called I See Pet or ISeePet.

It has its own feed dispenser. Or you can just chat to the dog. "Put that down! Bad dog!" Even from the other side of the world. It will probably take no notice, of course.
And it includes a webcam. So you can see if the dog is actually being a bad dog before you shout at it.

The dog feeding robot has been adopted by DoCoMo as a possible way of boosting mobile data usage. Up to now, it's been a product for PC Web users - a product which, if you could buy it, would set you back $500 or so.

You can watch it in action if you have a strong enough stomach - or if you're just soppy about cute little dachshunds.

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