
Sidekick 3: mobile email "simple enough for any bimbo to operate"

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 24 June 2006

It takes a brave writer to recommend a mobile phone with the words: "Think about it: This is the only e-mail handheld easy enough for Paris Hilton to use." And, famously, to lose (well, it got hacked).

Inexplicably, the Sidekick, or "Hiptop" which is such a cult phone in the US, is still unavailable in the UK. It is, without doubt, the most generally useful all-round pocket device so far launched, and if the release of the new Sidekick 3 isn't vastly different from the previous version, that's simply because it got most of it right before."The SK3—which will be available on June 28 to existing T-Mobile customers and on July 10 to other folks—looks like the Sidekick II on a diet. It's noticeably narrower, at 5.1 by 2.3 by 0.9 inches and 6.7 ounces. It's longer and heavier, but slimmer, than the T-Mobile MDA and Palm Treo 700p," said an enthusiastic Sascha Segan, writing in PC Magazine

Main change: MP3 player at last, and a better camera. Full details are press released on the T-Mobile site, and it lists the full set of new features as:

  • Built-in support for all three major IM clients (AIM, Yahoo! Messenger and MSN Messenger)
  • Full HTML browser with enhancements for faster downloading and optimized viewing
  • Automatic connection to the EDGE radio technology network for improved communication through faster downloading and improved coverage
  • Sleeker design that is 20 percent smaller for a more natural feeling in your hand and pocket
  • Trackball for one-handed navigation to easily access more functions
  • Built-in Bluetooth support for wireless headset use and vCard exchange
  • Integrated 1.3 megapixel camera with supplemental LED flash for close-range illumination and a convex mirror for self-portraits
  • MP3 player with support for a stereo headset
  • Mini-SD card slot for expandable memory available for storing photos, music and more
  • Speedier ARM9 processor
  • Replaceable battery pack with added capacity
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