
Good-bye Qtek; hello hTc - phone maker comes out of the closet

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 15 June 2006

Microsoft's tame smart-phone maker, HTC, signalled its belief that it has come of age, by launching its own brand into consumer markets, and its "stealth" brand, Qtek, will disappear shortly.

The Taiwanese company announced two new smartphones to celebrate this coming out today in London: the TyTN (pronounced "Titan") and MTeoR devices. It also promised that it would ship mobile TV phones "before the end of this year" with operators in the US and UK later this year.

Peter Chou said that the new phones were part of a new "partnership strategy - now want to grow more partners, which is why we are launching this new htc brand, and support European channels and distributors much more strongly.