
I wonder if Guy Goma is getting extra mail these days

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 07 June 2006

If you're trying to send me kit for review, can you give me a call?

On the left a perfectly ordinary Post Office "we couldn't deliver" form which arrived through my letter box last Friday. Result: about two days lost productivity.

The tedious details are that the card was left on my door step Friday afternoon, saying "sorry you were out" when in fact I was not only in, but the front door was open - and so I rang in some irritation. "We'll deliver Monday" said the apologetic complaints guy. Nobody delivered it Monday, and I stayed in much of Tuesday too. Same result. Today I drove down there and waved the card. "What's this?" they said. "We have no record of this..."

So an official complaint is under way. But this isn't the first time parcels (and letters) have gone astray - and it's getting to the point where it's causing serious disruption. One particular delivery has been sent back to sender twice with "not known at this address" once, and "unable to deliver" the other time; in neither case did anybody show up with either a parcel or a Post Office form.

A plea to anybody who wants to send me something: use a courier. There's really no point in sending something which takes five months getting here. Especially if I waste two days cancelling appointments to sit at home in case it gets delivered...Tag: