
Jibba jabba on your tomtom? "Get out and walk!"

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 01 June 2006

Would you open email with that heading? Thankfully, our office postboy decided it wasn't spam about stomach pills: it turns out to be "celebrity voices for nav systems." And anything to get rid of that patronising woman and her "try to do a U-turn if possible"...

The email probably says it all, so here it is, verbatim:

Thanks for opening an email from an unknown source with a strange header.  I’d like to introduce you to Navtones – the world’s only online destination for REAL celebrity voices for SatNav systems.  

In partnership with TomTom – Europe’s leading SatNav supplier – we’ve made available a fun and growing range of downloadable voices to help take the stress out of the daily commute or weekend journey.  If you’re a TomTom user we’d be happy to supply you with some free voices for your enjoyment and/or review.  

Apparently, you can choose from Dennis Hopper, Burt Reynolds, and BA Baracus himself, Mr. T, who are all "waiting to be your personal navigator." Which sounds great. It is to be hoped that this doesn't start a fight between the nav voice, and the Otodio "talking email" system.

The official announcement comes later this month. Watch this space! Or alternatively, check out the horse's mouth at - and if they do squabble, make them both get out and walk home.

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