
No WiFi in low-end Playstation! How are we going to connect?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 15 May 2006

The big "shock horror" headlines for Sony's Playstation 3 announcement have focused on the lack of the high-speed digital video connection, HDMI - but the real show-stopper has to be the decision to make wireless a "premium feature" only available on the full-price version.

"The lack of HDMI output makes this pretty much a non-starter for anyone hoping to actually use the PS3's Blu-ray drive for anything more than playing games," exclaimed Engadget's Marc Perton in dismay. But increasingly, games players want to play across a link; and the PS generation isn't quite as cool about the idea of lugging Ethernet cables around as the PC gamer would be when setting out for a LANfest.

More from HDBeat and Joystiq from the E3 conf.

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