
Someone's new Nokia isn't working. Throw the teddy out the pram!

by Sniffer | posted on 16 February 2006

It would seem that the Boss isn't having it all his own way in Barcelona. Sitting here on the Hunkymouse IRC server, we've noticed that he manages to connect only occasionally. The odd phone message blames the GSMA, the weather, sunspots and colleagues who steal his Ethernet cable. Then, today, he Complained.


The complaint showed up on his i-Kew blog, and it would appear he's gone and "fixed" a problem with Nokia PC Suite. In the process, he fixed it beyond repair. Here's an extract...

"Symptoms: I connect the phone via Bluetooth. The machine says: 'Connected via Bluetooth' and so I say: 'dial!' and it starts. It says 'Connecting... authenticating user... verifying password...' and then after 15 seconds it announces: 'No modem in the device!' and crashes out."

Not that we're entirely without sympathy. We know about PC Suite here. It's one of about three programs which has so destroyed the Windows Registry that we had to re-install Windows from scratch. Your Sniffer suspects that the new version is probably less vicious than that one, but yes; if you're running your phone as a modem, do it from scratch.

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