
"Who the hell needs a video iPod?" - Archos pocket video recorder reviewed

by Guy Kewney | posted on 06 September 2005

The review of the Archos AV 700 by Jurgen Sundot compares it (favourably!) to a video iPod - and it's a good basis for comparison. It's a media player with the option of 40 Gbyte or 100 Gbyte storage, a seven inch display, and the ability to store "up to 400 hours of video."

Guy Kewney

It might also be worth comparing it with the new Nokia 770 browser, and wishing someone would combine the features of the two of them. And finally, it might, if you fancy buying one, be worth flying to America and buying one there.

"Relying on MPEG-4 for recorded video," says the reviewer, "the quality produced by the AV700 is more than adequate for viewing on its 7-inch display of the AV700, with the ability to schedule up to 20 shows for recording ahead of time a nice bonus."

It also qualifies as a Microsoft "personal media centre" and if you don't have cable/ digital TV to record, you can get movies from Cinema Now .

Pricing examples:

  •  You can spend £589.95 with EasyGadget, in the UK
  • Or you can spend  $539.99  with Costco, in the US
  • Other background:

  • The full Infosync World review
  • Analysis of the Nokia 770 launch
  • The official UK Archos press release

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