Intellisync mystifies the push email world by hiring mystery men from an unexpected source...
by Sniffer | posted on 25 May 2005
Here's a puzzle for you. Your Sniffer has discovered (don't ask how) that "We are delighted that we have attracted top executives from the wireless
industry to serve on the Intellisync board."

This quote comes from Woodson "Woody" Hobbs, chief executive officer, and he's referring to something which is obviously astonishing. The people they have hired are two new directors, Keith Cornell and Terrence Valeski, both of whom "have extensive general management and wireless experience."
If you aren't familiar with Intellisync, you'd probably deduce that it's a company which, hitherto, has spurned wireless, and is now thinking of moving into the non-cable business. As you almost certainly are familiar with Intellisync ("...is a leading provider of wireless email and mobile software to large enterprises, mobile operators, software providers and device manufacturers. Intellisync has won the mobility industry's top awards by providing seamless synchronisation, secure wireless email, device control and mobility management software that connects nearly every device, data source and application available. The world's largest corporations have selected Intellisync as their mobility solution standard, including America Online, Credit Agricole, Domino's Pizza, Guidant, IBM, Microsoft, NTT DoCoMo, Oracle.PeopleSoft, Pfizer, Sprint, Target, T-Mobile, Union Pacific, Verizon Wireless and Yahoo!) what do you suppose is going on?
The full explanation should be at Intellisync's web site, where the list of press releases should tell all. It isn't, and it doesn't. The mystery grows!
The only packets we've intercepted which could be said to shed light on the puzzle are these: "Keith and Terry are both highly respected executives who bring additional wireless industry expertise to our already accomplished board. The Company has recently completed an aggressive transitional phase, and is now strongly positioned as a wireless software company serving the enterprise and carrier markets. As we continue to grow the Company, we look forward Keith and Terry's guidance as we endeavour to establish Intellisync as the leading provider of wireless email and mobile software."
A push into email...? into push email, perhaps? A search of this site for "push" will possibly shed light. Or not, as the case may be...
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